
Go and Do Newsletter: January 2019

#EsperanzaNews, Featured

Esperanza Hosts ‘On the Table Philly’ 2018 and Sparks Dialogue with Philadelphia’s Hispanic Clergy

Esperanza hosted an exciting and intergenerational meeting of Hispanic Clergy this past winter, on Thursday, November 8, 2018, at Picanha in Philadelphia. Esperanza’s Director of National Programs, Reverend Ruben Ortiz, led the meeting between younger and experienced Hispanic clergy in the Philadelphia region. The faith leaders participated in the second annual, On the Table Philly series, which sparked conversations about how to make our community a better place to live, work, and play.

Faith leaders spoke during their On The Table Philly discussions about how Esperanza’s network of Clergy could partner across generational divides in the faith community. Last year, On The Table Philly held similar networking opportunities and productive conversations with 400 groups and 5,000 participants across Philadelphia.

In addition to enjoying each other’s company and discussing issues of faith over dinner, Esperanza’s faith partners are taking action. The Philadelphia Foundation will extend $1,000 “Activate” grants, for a total of $50,000 in the Philadelphia area. Nonprofits and individuals can apply for funds to make sure each On the Table Philly conversation can achieve some meaningful impact in their communities. Esperanza is grateful to have hosted a productive—and impactful!—conversation with Clergy in Philadelphia! We look forward to continuing the conversation next year.

Your Support Leads to Bible Engagement for Our Youth!

Thanks to you, and your faith in us, Esperanza continues a unique bible engagement program for teens and adults that live in our Hispanic communities. We partnered with the American Bible Society to influence more than 200,000 Latinos in the city of Philadelphia by investing in Bible Resources, including the Action Bible to engage young people with the Bible. Esperanza’s approach allows a younger audience to experience God’s narrative in a completely unique and fun way!

Our calling is much like yours—we are the hands and feet of our Creator and are compelled to share His good news. The Action Bible is a “comic” style Bible directed towards younger audiences, published by David C Cook, edited by Doug Mauss, and illustrated by Brazilian-American Sergio Cariello.

The Action Bible, with 215 fast-paced narratives in chronological order, features a captivating, up-to-date artwork style – making it the perfect Bible for today’s visually focused culture.

Esperanza continues to reach at-risk youth and gives a voice to young people to be the agents of change in our city. Your dedication to our faith-based services allows Esperanza to help equip our churches and strengthen our Hispanic faith community for even greater success. Thank you again for empowering the youth in our communities, and we hope you consider making a gift to our faith-based programs today.

Esperanza Youth Leadership Institute Graduates Youth Ministers during Winter 2018

Thanks to your dollars and prayers, Esperanza Youth Leadership Institute (EYLI) students recently emerged as leaders in their faith communities and graduated from EYLI. Esperanza supports at-risk youth through the EYLI, and builds leadership skills, inspires vision, and provides educational opportunities for Hispanic youth in the Hunting Park area. Esperanza is so proud of our 2018 EYLI graduates!

This past semester EYLI students and pastors kept busy—students recently met with youth leaders at Esperanza’s EYLI round table discussion event. Panelists were invited to speak on the topic of Navigating Youth Ministry Leadership challenges.

We hope you’ll consider supporting our Esperanza Youth Leadership Institute and visiting us online to learn more about what we do for youth in our faith communities!

Esperanza College Professor Brings Faith to the Classroom

Esperanza’s Anthony Ramos recently began teaching a “Faith, Reason, and Justice” course at Esperanza College this Fall. As a professor of the class and Associate Project Director of our National programs, Anthony practices the life and word of God by teaching students. Anthony creates an impact that is needed to support our youth at Esperanza College thanks to your faith in him.

Inspired by a foundational course at Eastern University, our Faith, Reason, and Justice course exposes students to the themes of philosophy, critical thinking, faith, and justice established in our world.

Anthony is happy to equip our young, upcoming Hispanic generational leaders, saying “I am completely excited to see how the content of this course will help shape these leaders to grow in their faith, impact their communities, and follow God into the world.”

Thank you for your prayers for our professor, Anthony, and for your faith in our students this past semester!
