Spanish Flyer
Join us to celebrate the summer while learning how to "beat the heat" in Hunting Park! Enjoy smoothies, snacks and pastries (while supplies last), resource tables, kids activities and music. Acompáñenos a celebrar el verano mientras aprende a "vencer el calor" en Hunting Park. Disfrute de smoothies, picaderas y reposterías (hasta agotar existencia), mesas de...
Join us on August 11th for an afternoon of fun with the family! Enjoy music, face painting, resource tables, and more! FREE. Únase a nosotros el 11 de Agosto para una tarde llena de diversión familiar. Disfrute de música, pintura de cara, mesas de recursos y más! GRATIS.
Join us for trick or treat, resource tables, and giveaways!
In partnership with Philadelphia Office of Sustainability To register, Click Here Registration for this giveaway is limited to residents of the Hunting Park area